Guides and Resources
- COVID-19 paper in IAOSCollection of articles/statistics on COVID-19 in the Statistical Journal of the IAOS (International Association for Official Statistics).https://content.iospress.com/journals/statistical-journal-of-the-iaos/36/2?start=0&rows=50
- Ischgl - SARS-CoV-2 antibody studyStudy about antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the population of a highly affected region - 42.4% of the population had antibodies - in Germanhttps://www.rwi-essen.de/unstatistik/
- Overview of reports on projects and studies Sciensano is responsible for the epidemiological monitoring of the COVID-19 epidemic and is also involved in scientific research projects on this disease. https://covid-19.sciensano.be/fr/projets-de-sciensano
- Pandemic diariesOnline surveys by the Portuguese population in order to obtain a picture of the evolution of the pandemics.https://diariosdeumapandemia.inesctec.pt
- COVID-19 barometerCOVID-10 barometer from the National School of Public Health - Nova University Lisbon.https://barometro-covid-19.ensp.unl.pt
- COVID-19 monitoring in wastewaterMonitoring of SARS-CoV-2 contents in wastewater in A Coruña (NW-Spain), as an alert system for possible outbreaks.https://edarbens.es/covid19/
- Seroprevalence study in SpainResults of the seroprevalence epidemiological study for SARS-CoV-2 in Spain.https://www.mscbs.gob.es/ciudadanos/ene-covid/home.htm
- Differences in excess mortalityA study found a significant variation in the number of infected within cities and professions.https://lakartidningen.se/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/20113.pdf