FENStatS News
FENStatS session @ IDWSDS2023
FENStatS has a honour of hosting its own session during the virtual conference 'IDWSDS2023: International Day of Women in Statistics and Data Science'. In this session, three European researchers representing different European statistical societies based in Norway, Poland, and Spain will present some of their ongoing research in statistical modeling within the academia. These researchers are at different stages in their careers.
The FENStatS session, FENStatS women in action, will be represented by these three speakers:
- Sara Martino (sara.martino@ntnu.no, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Dorota Mlynarczyk (dorotaanna.mlynarczyk@uab.cat, Jagiellonian University de Cracovia/Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
- Jaione Etxeberria (jaione.etxeberria@unavarra.es, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain)
The session will take place on Tuesday, 10 October 2023, 18:30-20:00 (UTC), and further details are available at the web site of the conference https://www.idwsds.org/.