FENStatS News
Trust me, I'm a Statistician
Ethical guidelines for statistics are not just for people who hold the job title statistician or data scientist. Anyone who uses the tools, techniques, and technologies of statistics is obliged to do so ethically - even if they're a medical doctor. Trust in statistics requires trustworthiness of those who produce, provide, and deal with data and statistics. Trustworthiness requires knowledge, dissemination and application of ethical values and principles and standards in the increasingly diverse landscape of data communities and the developing world.
Accreditation gives evidence of trustworthiness
FENStatS launched a standard for accreditation of statisticians. Each European national association participating has decided to make this available to its members. The accreditation is voluntary and is intended as a measure to enhance the quality and importance of statistics in a world in need of facts and high-level statistical literacy. It is also intended as an encouragement for statisticians to develop their roles, stand by ethical standards and promote the use of statistical data.
More insights about this are available here at this LinkedIn post by Katharina Schueller: post.