FENStatS News
Call for Papers: Special volume: Data for evidence-based policymaking @ Springer
Guest editors Ralf Münnich (University of Trier, muennich@uni-trier.de) & Katharina Schüller (STAT-UP Statistical Consulting & Data Science GmbH, katharina.schueller@stat-up.com) invite submissions for a special issue on " Data for evidence-based policymaking". Both, theoretical and applied contributions are welcome, especially those with applications of statistics in areas such as health policy, economics and labour market, environmental policies, financial policies, security, social policy or innovation promotion. Interdisciplinary contributions and examples from the international environment are expressly welcomed.
The special volume explores the possibilities of modern statistical instruments for creating an evidence base for political action. Special focus will be put survey designs, including adequate data collection methods, the control and correction of survey errors and appropriate methods of analysis. Last but not least, there is a need for responsible science communication as a means of promoting data literacy among political decision-makers and media professionals.
Preferred submission topics include
- Opportunities and limitations of new forms of data collection, e.g. online surveys
- Statistical quality criteria for data and their verification in practice
- Possibilities of utilising administrative data in conjunction with surveys
- Methods for uncovering causal impact pathways including critical evaluation of prerequisites
- Statistical approaches to impact evaluation of policy measures
- Challenges of communicating uncertainty
- Discussion on quality aspects for evidence-based policy support
Deadline for submission: 31 March 2024
Submissions follow the guidelines of the AStA - Economic and Social Statistics Archive: https://www.springer.com/journal/11943/submission-guidelines