FENStatS News
Conferences by Società Italiana di Statistica in 2024
Società Italiana di Statistica organizes in 2024 these four conferences:
SIS-SDS: 3rd Conference of the Statistics and Data Science Group, University of Palermo, 11-12 April 2024. The conference organized in Palermo by SDS group of the Italian Statistical Society aims at fostering the statistical skills in the scientific research and teaching in the context of data science. More details here: https://meetings3.sis-statistica.org/index.php/sds2024/SDS_2024
StaTalk 2024, University of Florence, 30-31 May 2024. This is a free conference organized by the young section of Società Italiana di Statistica (y-SIS), promoting the interchange of ideas between young researcher and students from different fields. More details here: https://www.disia.unifi.it/vp-462-statalk2024.html
SIS 2024: 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, University of Bari, 17-20 June 2024. This is the Society’s most important scientific event which includes plenary, specialized, solicited and contributed sessions, encompassing both methodological and applied statistical research. More details here: https://sis2024.sis-statistica.it
MBC2 2024: 7th Workshop on Models and Learning for Clustering and Classification, University of Catania 28-30 August 2024. The workshop provides a focus on the state-of-the-art research in the field of statistical models and learning techniques in different areas of clustering and classification. Scientific discussions and debates among young and senior researchers are strongly encouraged. A tutorial on contrastive learning approaches for data classification: methods, applications and software has also been scheduled on August 28, 2024 morning. More details here: http://mbc2.unict.it/general-information