FENStatS News
Can you inspire the next generation of statisticians? William Guy Lectureship 2024/25 open for applicants
The William Guy Lectureship
Applications are now open for the RSS William Guy Lectureships 2024/25, with the theme of ‘Statistics in plain sight’. Each year, the Royal Statistical Society appoints three lecturers (one per school key stage) to these prestigious volunteer roles to prepare and deliver short talks to school children.
The Royal Statistical Society is seeking talks that inspire young people to dig deeper and be curious about the building blocks behind their everyday activities, focusing on instances in which the key role of statistics may not be immediately apparent. Among many potential topics, theycould talk about the economic statistics behind the cost-of-living crisis and inflation, the algorithms that decide what content comes up on our social media feeds or what really makes AI chat bots seem so intelligent.
The Royal Statistical Society invites applications from a range of career stages, sectors and locations around the United Kingdom, from fellows with passion and enthusiasm for inspiring school students about the real-world, relevant applications of statistics and data science. The deadline for applications is midnight on Monday 1 April.
Please see the RSS William Guy webpages for further details and how to apply. https://rss.org.uk/policy-campaigns/policy-groups/education-policy-advisory-group/rss-william-guy-lecturers/