Dear FENStatS Members,
It is a pleasure to announce the birth of our first FENStatS Newsletter to present news and interesting events of our National Societies!
Within this first issue, I am delighted to highlight three significant events: A forthcoming Webinar on ethical principles, the opportunity for young statisticians to apply for a European Junior Accreditation (I strongly encourage our young members to seize this opportunity for professional development), and the 3rd ERC Webinar. Securing more ERC grants for statisticians in Europe is crucial, and I encourage members to actively participate in this event and consider applying for ERC grants.
With warm regards to all members of our societies,
Lola Ugarte
FENStatS President
Webinar on Ethical Principles
Walter Radermacher
(FENStatS Vicepresident)
European Statistical Accreditation
FENStatS has now opened for the possibility to start uploading documentation for a junior application. More info here.
3rd ERC Funding Opportunities Webinar for Statisticians
The FENStatS Executive Committee is pleased to announce the 3rd ERC Information Webinar for Statisticians on Funding Opportunities.
More info here.
FENStatS creates a working group on Statistical Literacy
We invite members of FENStatS to join this group initially formed by Anabel Forte, Reija Helenius, Antonietta Mira and Katarina Shüller.
Please contact:
News from National Statistical Societies
Romanian Statistical Society
The Romanian Statistical Society announces a new executive team, the launch of "Romania 2023 - the economic state after 33 years of free market," upcoming National Scientific Seminars on Statistics, and a festive event celebrating its 87th anniversary.
More info here.
Spanish Region of the International Biometric Society
The 7th SEB Student Conference in Barcelona boasted a record attendance of 66 participants and 38 contributions, featuring diverse sessions, a machine learning course by Dr. Jordi Cortés Martínez, and a global statisticians' round table.
More info here.
RSS William Guy Lectureships 2024/25
Applications are now open for the RSS William Guy Lectureships 2024/25, with the theme of ‘Statistics in plain sight’.
More info here.
Finnish Statistical Society
The Finnish Statistical Society's recent annual meeting saw the election of a new board, highlighting past celebrations of its 100+ year anniversary, and outlining plans for the upcoming term, including Statistical Days featuring Ryan Martin as keynote speaker, an afternoon seminar on Internet panels, and coordination of the International Poster Competition 2024-2025.
More info here.
Spanish Statistical Society
Recent achievements include Professor Justo Puerto receiving the 2023 Fama-Universidad de Sevilla Award, and Professor Rosa María Crujeiras Casais being honored with the Young Female Scientific Talent Award. Additionally, SEIO announced the SEIO-BB Awards 2024 nominations opening and recognized the contributions of SEIO members through SEIO Medals.
More info here.
Greek Statistical Institute
The Greek Statistical Institute (GSI) recently elected a new board to serve a two-year term from March 2024 to February 2026.
More info here.
Conferences / Workshops
- SIS-SDS. 3rd Conference of the Statistics and Data Science Group, Palermo, 11-12 April.
- Workshop on Discrete Distributions, Harokopio University, Athens, 13 April.
- The 5th International Statistical Conference in Croatia Opatija, 24-26 April.
- 36th Panhellenic & 2nd International Statistics Conference, University of West Macedonia, 16-19 May.
- SFdS Journées de Statistique 2024, Bordeaux, 27-31 May.
- StaTalk 2024, Florence, 30-31 May.
- RSS International Conference 2024, Brighton, 2-5 September (early registration 4 June 2024).
- XXXIII Conference of the Section of Classification and Data Analysis, Krakow (Poland), 5-6 June.
- 5th Cypriot Statistics Conference, Nicosia (Cyprus), 14 June.
- SIS 2024. 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Bari, 17-20 June.
- Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 69 - Applications of Statistical Methods, Amarante (Portugal), 17-21 June.
- MBC2 2024. 7th Workshop on Models and Learning for Clustering and Classification, Catania (Italy), 28-30 August.
- GEOMED 2024, Hasselt (Belgium), 9-11 September.
- 31st Annual Meeting of the Royal Statistical Society of Belgium, Drongen Abbey, 7 - 8 November.
- International Biometric Society (IBS) 2024. December 8-13.
Read the complete text here.
- Turn the negative into the positive. FENStatS Covid-19 Group and how to continue.
Read the complete text here.
The Federation of European National Statistical Societies