
FENStatS News

A conference dedicated to extreme value analysis welcomes registrants!

event date: 2025-06-(23-27)14th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis will take place on June 23-27, 2025 in the USA.

EVA 2025 is the 14th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis and is hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, from June 23 to June 27, 2025. Topics include all aspects of extreme value analysis, probabilistic and statistical models and their applications. Activities include plenary, invited and contributed paper sessions, a poster competition, a student paper competition, and a data analysis challenge. There will also be a short course (June 22, 2025), with presentations by Anne Sabourin (Université Paris Cité) and Anthony Davison (EPFL).

The webpage lists the invited paper sessions and plenary speakers. You are invited to submit an abstract for either a contributed paper or a poster, deadline March 15, 2025. There is a competition for the best student paper and another for the best poster. The data competition was announced earlier but the conference website also has details of that.

Any queries about the conference may be addressed to the organizers at eva2025@unc.edu.

More information and practical details about EVA 2025, including a registration form, can be found at the web page.

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