Hrvatsko Statističko Drušstvo Croatian Statistical Association CSA

The Executive Committee
- President: Josip Arnerić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Vice-president: Irena Palić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Editor: Josip Arnerić, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Secretary: Josipa Novaković, University of Zagreb, Croatia
About the Society
The Croatian Statistical Association (CSA) is a nonprofit organization established in 2005, and since 2015, it has been actively operating. Until the end of 2023, CSA had 81 dedicated members, who are engaged in the promotion, dissemination and popularization of statistics. Our association fosters a collaborative environment, encouraging the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and experiences among members and colleagues. We greatly value our partnerships with related societies such as the Croatian Operational Research Society, Croatian Biometric Society, and Slovensko Društvo Informatika. The International Statistical Conference in Croatia (ISCCRO) is the major biennial event organized by CSA. Workshops and panel discussions, organized within specialized sections “Women in Statistics”, “Statistics in Sport” and “R Club”, play a vital role in achieving the objectives of our society. We are most proud of our CREBSS journal (Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics), which serves as a platform for scholarly discourse and research publication in the field of theoretical and applied statistics.
News from the Society
Croatian Statistical Association
Trg J. F. Kennedyja 6
10000 Zagreb
E-mail: hsd@hsd-stat.hr