Česká statistická společnost The Czech Statistical Society CStS

The Executive Committee
- President: Martina Litschmnová, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava
- Vice-presidents:
- Ondřej Vencálek, Palacký University in Olomouc,
- Ondřej Vozár, Prague University of Economics and Business & Czech Statistical Office
- Vice-president ex-oficio: Marek Rojíček, President of the Czech Statistical Office
- Secretary general: Zuzana Hübnerová, Brno University of Technology
- Treasurer: Tomáš Löster, Prague University of Economics and Business
About CStS
The Czech Statistical Society was founded in 1990. It is a professional association directed at all people, who are interested in statistics, regardless of the achieved education, specialization, or application.
The mission of the Czech Statistical Society is to unite a wide spectrum of statisticians of all specializations, create conditions for further development of statistics in the Czech Republic, and provide its members with new discoveries in statistics. The society also assists in cooperation between theoretical and applied statisticians and in maintaining a high standard of statistical education and statistical practice in the Czech Republic.
The council of the Czech Statistical Society embraces any professional initiatives from its members and, obviously, all interesting contributions to its Information Bulletin.