Ελληνικό Στατιστικό Ινστιτούτο Greek Statistical Institute GSI

The Executive Committee
- President: Alex Karagrigoriou, University of Piraeus, Greece.
- Vice President: Georgios Iliopoulos, University of Piraeus, Greece.
- General Secretary: Georgios Psarrakos, University of Piraeus, Greece.
- Treasurer: Sonia Malefaki, University of Patras, Greece.
- Special Secretary: Polychronis Economou, University of Patras, Greece.
- Library Manager: Miltiadis Batsidis, University of Ioannina, Greece.
- Advisor/Consultant: Miltiadis Chalikias, University of West Attica, Greece.
News from the Society
The Greek Statistical Institute (GSI) has organized 35 Panhellenic Statistics Conferences, in Greek or English language, in Greece (32) and Cyprus (3), and one (1) International Statistics Conference in Athens, Greece, in 2023.
The conferences are held annually in various places across Greece, such as Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Ioannina, Patra, Crete, Samos, Rhodos, Volos, Lamia, Kastoria, and Larissa. Every year, the Statistics Conference proceedings are published by GSI publications. The last Panhellenic and the first International Statistics Conference was held in May of 2023 at the University of West Attica (Athens). The 2024 Panhellenic and the Second International Statistics Conference will be held on 16-19 May 2024 at the University of Western Macedonia in Kozani (Greece).
The members of GSI can attend conferences and other GSI activities at reduced fees compared to non-members' fees and have borrowing privileges from the library of GSI.
Members can easily communicate with fellow statisticians, including those who work in different scientific areas, and can, after a relevant invitation, actively participate in GSI's scientific events. The administrative staff of GSI also provides scientific and professional information.
Last but not least, GSI publishes a newsletter called Statistical Periscope. Eighty issues of Statistical Periscope have already been published, including news and historical facts in the field of Statistics and useful information related to the GSI activities.
April 13, 2024. Workshop on Discrete Distributions dedicated to the memory of A. Kemp, Harokopio University Athens, https://discrdistrk.hua.gr/.
May 16-19, 2024. 36th Panhellenic & 2nd International Statistics Conference, University of West Macedonia, Kozani, https://esi2024.mech.uowm.gr/en/.
About the Society
The Greek Statistical Institute (GSI) is a scientific association, established in 1981 in Athens, Greece. The mission of the GSI is the promotion of all areas of Statistical Science, both its theory and its applications, as well as the recognition of the contribution of Statistics towards other sciences and to important areas of human activity.
Furthermore, the GSI aims to support strengthening the statistical profession and the promotion of statistics teaching at all levels of education. The GSI pursues its goals by organizing conferences and seminars and publishing a newsletter related to the profession of Statistician. At the same time, the GSI aims to collaborate with similar scientific organizations abroad. GSI is a member of FENStatS, to which GSI belongs since 2018.
GSI has adopted the subsequent points as its vision:
- To promote the widespread use of sound science driven, applied statistical methods in local businesses and industries,
- To facilitate the transfer of statistical methods and related technologies to and from business and industry,
- To link academic teaching and research in statistics with industrial and business practice,
- To facilitate and sponsor continuing professional development.
The Greek Statistical Institute
Solomou 5, Athens, Greece
Tel. 0030 210 3303909
Email: secretariat@esi-stat.gr