Société Française de Statistique French Statistical Society SFdS

The executive Committee
- President: Jean-Michel Marin, University of Montpellier
- Vicepresident: Gwladys Toulemonde, University of Montpellier
- Vicepresident: Adeline Samson Leclercq, University of Grenoble
- Secretary: Pierre Barbillon, AgroParisTech
- Assistant Secretary: Stéphane Robin, INRA
- Treasurer: Julien Jacques, University of Lyon
- Assistant Treasurer: Christine Malot, UNICE
About SFdS
Recognized association of public utility, the French Statistical Society (SFdS) aims to bring together all researchers, engineers, teachers, and users of statistics, whatever the nature of their functions and the place where they exercise them: it thus constitutes a privileged place of meetings, exchanges, and reflections.
The SFdS is a learned society founded in 1997, specialized in statistics, whose mission is to promote the use of statistics and its understanding and to favor its methodological developments. To this end, it facilitates exchanges between statisticians from administrations, companies or teaching or research establishments through a set of actions that are presented on this site. The SFdS was recognized as a public utility by decree of December 3, 1998.
News from the Society
Société Française de Statistique
Institut Henri Poincaré
11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie
75231 Paris cedex 5
Tél. : +33 (0)1 44 27 66 60