Slovenská štatistická a demografická spoločnosť Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society SSDS

The executive committee
- President: Iveta Stankovičová, Comenius University in Bratislava
About SSDS
The Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society is a voluntary association of scientific and other professionals in the field of statistics and demography, or other related disciplines. The mission of the Society is mainly to develop statistical and demographic knowledge and its social use in favour of the Slovak Republic, to propagate statistical and demographic know-how and to organize conferences, seminars, symposiums, lectures, discussions, special trainings and other events
News from the Society
The FENStatS Ethical Code, approved by the 2024 FENStatS General Assembly, was endorsed by the Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society on Saint Nicholas Eve, 5 Dec 2024, to be a set of ethical guidelines for members of the society and professional statisticians across Slovakia. The Committee of the Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society voted unanimously in favour of the framework. The FENStatS Ethical Code mirrors the system of values and ethical principles incorporated in the Declaration of Professional Ethics by the International Statistical Institute (ISI), and its adoption in Slovakia sets a remarkable example to assure promotion of professional statistical ethics across Europe.
Slovenská štatistická a demografická spoločnosť
Lamačská cesta 3/C, 840 05 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
ID number: 00178764
Tax number: 2021504276