
Statistično društvo Slovenije Statistical Society of Slovenia SSS

The Executive Committee

  • President: Vanja Erčulj
  • Vice-President: Matevž Bren
  • Secretary General: Mateja Čuk
  • Other members: Barbara Dremelj Ribič, Irena Križman, Lara Lusa and Ema Mišić

The Statistical Society of Slovenia wishes to:

  • encourage professional activities in the statistical field;
  • integrate statistics in Slovenia;
  • promote international cooperation;
  • to take care of the quality of statistical education;
  • take care of the reputation of the statistical profession in public.

The goals of the Association are defined in more detail in the Articles of Association.

News from the Society

A description of the occupation of statistician was prepared. The methodology used is based on the National Standard Classification of Occupations (SKP-08), which follows the concept of the ILO standard. It defines the occupation in relation to the work performed. The methodology covers:
a) who is the statistician (short description), b) working tasks, c) work tools, accessories and materials, d) products and services, e) knowledge and skills, f) psycho-physical abilities, g) interests, essential qualities and values, h) conditions for employability, i) education, j) related occupations.
For more information visit:  link.
The Statistical Society of Slovenia submitted to the Ministry of Justice a proposal for inclusion of the statistics expertise in the list of professional areas of judiciary expertise. The initiative was well received by the responsible authorities and statistician was included among the court experts.

Preparations for the 8th European Statistical Competition (ESC) for upper secondary school pupils have begun. The competition is organized by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (SURS) in collaboration with Eurostat and Slovenian statistical Society. Our members cooperate as educators of mentors and pupils as well as reviewers of the assignments. We are looking forward to the national stage of the competition. More information can be found here: 8th ESC in Slovenia.

YoungStatS project started in 2020 as part of the Young Statisticians Europe initiative. On April 22, 2024 we organized the 3rd joint webinar with New Researchers Group of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Young Data Science Researcher Seminar Zürich. The webinar featured three presentations that were delivered by Max Simchowitz (MIT), Mohammad Lotfollahi (University of Cambridge) and Zhijing Jin (Max Planck Institute and ETH Zürich), and benefited from feedback provided by Prof Nicolai Meinshausen (ETH Zürich).

Statistical blog of the young section of the Slovenian statistical society, Udomačena statistika, was enriched with several new contributions in the recent three months. New efforts have been made to attract new members and contributors, students of postgraduate and doctoral study of statistics. The young section is very active on social media (managing its own Facebook group as well as X account), informing young statisticians and the general public about new statistics-related job offers, upcoming statistical events and conferences.

President of the Statistical Society of Slovenia was an invited speaker at the opening of the exhibition on the 80th anniversary of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Billboards, placed along the Ljubljanica river bank, present official information about Slovenia in a visitor-friendly manner and attract not only Slovenian but also foreign visitors of Ljubljana.

At the Statistical Day 2024, held on Oct 11, 2024, with around 300 participants, discussions focused on the impact of societal changes on the labor market and the role of statistics in understanding and addressing these challenges. The event, organized by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia and the Statistical Society of Slovenia, marked the 80th anniversary of the Statistical Office. The president of the Society concluded the event by awarding prizes for outstanding achievements in statistics and excellence in media reporting. (link)

This year's (i.e. 2004) Statistical Society of Slovenia award recipients are Maja Pohar Perme for her outstanding scientific research on relative survival and development of masters study programme of statistics, and journalist Marko Milenković for his statistical data driven and accurate reporting on mainly economy related topics. (link)

At the 20th Applied Statistics conference organized by the Slovenian Statistical Society in co-operation with the University of Ljubljana and the University of Primorska a roundtable on statistical literacy highlighted the importance of equipping individuals with the skills to interpret data critically in an increasingly data-driven world. The 20th Applied Statistics conference was held in Koper at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Primorska, from Sep 23 to Sep 25, 2024. There were two eminent keynotes speakers, Prof Tom Snijders presening Hierarchical multilevel analysis of network dinamics, and Hein Putter presenting cases of Fine-Gray subdistribution hazard models to simultaneously estimate the ab solute risk of different event types. The conference covered several topics, such as artificial intelligence, biostatistics, official statistics, social sciences, measurement and modeling. The novelty of the conference was a roundtable on the topic of statistical literacy moderated by the president of Slovenian Statistical Society. Experts discussed methods to improve statistical understanding across diverse audiences, including students and professionals, emphasizing the role of education and innovative tools. (link)

In 2024 the European Young Statisticians Meetings’ (EYSM) virtual conference was hosted by the Statistical Society of Slovenia and with the support of the Slovenian Statistical Office. Six leading scientists from mathematical statistics and probability gave 60 minutes keynote lectures, among them Aad van der Vaart, Daniela Witten and Nina Holden. More information about the conference, such as the program, the oresentations, the book of abstracts, and the conference proceedings is to be found at the conference website. Next year, 24th EYSM will take place in Turin, Italy in 2025. (link)

A new newsletter of the Statistical Society of Slovenia has been published with interesting contributions about the activities of the society members, and is available here.

On Nov 26, 2024, the Young Section of the Statistical Society of Slovenia, prepared an open online discussion meeting where Andrej Srakar presented a recent 2024 article by Guido W. Imbens and Yiqing Xu entitled "LaLonde (1986) after Nearly Four Decades: Lessons Learned". The article presents recent assessment of causality for observational data and recommends necessary statistical tests and procedures to extract accurate causal effects. The audience, which consisted of about 13 section members, discussed the article and noted it is very useful in their study work. Next discussion meetings of the Young Section are under schedule.

The Statistical Society of Slovenia engages actively in preparations of instructions for activities to enhance statistical literacy among children for kindergarten and school teachers that soon will be available and circulated.

Statistično društvo Slovenije
Litostrojska cesta 54
1000 Ljubljana

E-mail: info@stat-d.si

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